August 2023 Vedic Astrology

Emotional Times!

August has two full Moons this year! The full Sturgeon Moon reaches its peak on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, and then we have a full Blue Moon on Wednesday, August 30, 2023—and it will be the closest Supermoon of the year! This will bring lots of emotion to us all!

August 1: Full Sturgeon Moon in Capricorn
This special Full Moon is in the mysterious and magical sign of Capricorn, which exemplifies the manifestation of Spirit in matter. BE OPEN TO THE MAGIC!!

This Full Moon is about going inward, contemplation, learning, knowledge, organization, and music. Take quiet time to tune in and really pay attention to the “small still voice within.” Simple is best now. Enjoy life and appreciate your achievements. Listen to music that soothes your soul.

The magic of this Full Moon helps us with our spiritual practices. Take the time to meditate, read spiritual books, and take a leisurely bath. Putyou’re your crystals for clearing and cleaning. Journal your feelings. Full Moon rituals include disconnecting from the busyness of life, get back in tune with nature, and live life with more intention.

August 1: Mercury (Leo) Opposes Saturn (Aquarius) –great day to FOCUS and begin the new month! Mercury and Saturn get a long with each other. Organize. Get things done.

August 2 and 3: The Moon and Saturn Conjoin in Aquarius
This transit can have a very serious, introspective, alienated, or depressive tone. It’s important to stay focused, avoid negative thinking, and remember that this too shall pass if you feel emotionally challenged by it.

August 4 to 8: Retrograde Venus in Gandanta
From August 4 to 8, retrograde Venus will transit across the one-degree cusp between Leo and Cancer. This edge between a fire and water sign is called the Gandanta in Vedic astrology. The energy here can have an extreme transformational quality and can be destabilizing in some cases. This can bring relationship issues.

Venus in Gandanta can be a trigger for emotional intensity for some people. This position may also reflect rains, storms, or floods.

August 16: New Moon in Cancer
The New Moon will tightly square Uranus and will also form an aspect with Mars. The Sun, Moon, Mars and Uranus all occurring near the 29th degree of their respective signs can be a trigger for unrest, sudden events, bombshells, or eruptions.

August 17 to September 17: Sun Transit into Leo
This time is good for matters related to finance, trade, and commerce; for peacemaking; and for health matters and practices.When the Sun transits in its own sign of Leo the Lion, its expression is especially vital, dynamic, regal, fortunate, generous, adventurous, and powerful.

August 18 to October 3: Mars Will Transit in Virgo – Testing Our Limits
From August 18 to October 3, Mars will transit in Virgo.
In general, the transit of Mars in Virgo can be a time that tests our limits and our patience.

Time to focus on minimizing nervous system stress through creating more inner and outer balance and making sure to avoid unnecessary conflict. One of the best ways to manage Mars is with consistent aerobic physical exercise, resistance training, Qigong, Yoga, or just simple stretching to release muscular tension.

August 22: Venus in Cancer Will Square Jupiter in Aries – An Opportunity for New Understanding and Personal Growth
This particular square aspect can indicate self-indulgent habits or thoughts, and the need for moderation. It also suggests a time of questioning and reconsidering the wisdom of certain long-held beliefs, values, and principles.

August 23 to September 15: Mercury Retrograde in Leo – Reflect, Reevaluate, and Revise
In general, during a Mercury retrograde cycle, we may have an opportunity to revisit and complete unfinished business, and to reflect, reevaluate, and revise our current situation and plans for the future. Be mindful of hot tempers!

August 23 to 30: Saturn Sun Opposition in Aquarius – Be Extra Mindful
Saturn will oppose its enemy the Sun on August 27, but the aspect is in range from August 23 to 30. This is a time when some may become overwrought with negative thoughts, including feelings of insecurity, frustration, or isolation. Fortunately, this transit will be short-lived.

August 30: The Blue Supermoon in Aquarius
A second Full Supermoon will occur in August, on Sunday August 30. When the Full Moon occurs twice in a month, the second one is called a Blue Moon. This is always a very special Moon and will bring deep thoughts of awareness to the planet.

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