January 2023 Vedic Astrology

7 Universal Year Number, Spirituality, & Science using Vedic Astrology

We begin the New Year of 2023 with two important aspects: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius AND Mars Retrograde in Taurus.

What does this mean? First review unfinished projects along with unresolved relationship issues. Don’t be hard on yourself as New Year’s resolutions may require a need to wait a short time before being able to fully proceed, or some initial steps of preparation.

It’s OK, this is a year where there will always be things to work on!

January 6: Full Moon in Gemini
This Full Moon brings an outward expression of influences. Great energy to write down your intentions. Time of opportunity and potential! Focus on finishing things, projects to completed. This Moon brings confidence. Let go of anything not helping you and break away from old cycles. Emotions will run high. Go ahead and put out your crystals for cleaning and clearing.

January 14: MARS goes direct and remains in TAURUS:
Mars is the planet that deals with energy, passion, anger, weapons, and even war. When Mars goes direct it brings more energy. Best idea to watch your anger and tempers of those around you. Taurus is ruled by Venus, meaning that our actions will be driven more by financial decisions, beauty, values, and we may all be a little more focused on pleasures and love.

January 17 -Saturn enters Aquarius – and remains for two years until March 29, 2025.
Aquarius is a sign of humanity and unity. The change from Capricorn to Aquarius brings a shift in consciousness that leads to a new awareness for humanity.

Technology will be at the forefront of all progress whether it is our profession, health or even wealth creation. Themes for Saturn in Aquarius will be humanitarian efforts, technology, healing, new modalities and discoveries – people will be open to new treatments in healing. There will be huge opportunities in the field of mental illness – especially addictions.

January 18: Mercury Goes Direct and remains in Sagittarius
All Mercury Retrogrades this year will be in FIRE SIGNS! Expect communications to be explosive, the truth, and fires – and inspiration – you will have new ideas! When Mercury is direct in Sagittarius it brings open-mindedness and adventure! Our thoughts will be broadened.

January 21: New Moon in Capricorn
This is the first new Moon since winter solstice and a good time to take a moment of quiet to contemplate the year behind and the year ahead. Saturn rules Capricorn and it reminds us that we all went through a lot over the past three years.

Let this new Moon be a time to process the past suffering and to create new growth and life from it simultaneously. Take is slow, keep it real, and be kind to yourself going forward.

January 22: Chinese New Year 2023 Year of the WATER Rabbit
This has not occurred since 1963.

In Chinese Astrology, the Rabbit symbolizes patience and luck. The Water element will enhance our psychic ability, diplomacy and negotiation skills. Expect major shifts in politics, as a new wave of leaders step up.

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