March 2023 Vedic Astrology

March is quite a month! There will be challenges and changes. It’s also an incredible time for us to really work on our old wounds and do the deep healing that is required. Mid month, we have Saturn in Aquarius transiting over the United States natal Moon, which is called Sade Sati. Sade Sati is a life changing period in ones life and known to start a new phase. It weeds out the things we don’t need.

Saturn will cross over the United States Moon three times in 2023—first in March, second in September and the third in December.

The last two times that the United States went through Sadi Sati was 1964. The U.S. was recovering from the assassination of President Kennedy. And again, in 1994, with the OJ Simpson trial and the Northridge earthquake.

Mars will continue to be Out of Bounds until May 5, making life a bit more unpredictable.

March 7: Full Moon in Leo
This Full Moon brings creativity and initiative. Good time to take it easy and be with friends. This is a wonderful Full Moon to put your crystals out, as this is a powerful time for cleansing and charging your stones.

Great day for self-expression. Anything you’ve been putting off creatively now is the time to do it! Leo comes from the heart.

March 11: Venus Gandanta (last degree of water and the first degree of fire)
Not a good time to discuss something new with a romantic partner or business partner. People will feel out of control.

March 12: Jupiter Conjunct Chiron in Pisces
One of the most important transits of the year as it occurs every 50 years. Chiron is the “Wounded Healer.” Jupiter expands whatever he is near. This brings opportunities for healing, growth and helps to bring meaning into our lives. Great time to heal old wounds.

March 12: Mars Leaves Taurus and Enters Gemini Until May 10
After 6 months, Mars is finally leaving Taurus and entering Gemini, the sign of communications, networking, Internet, news, travel and technology. Mars can trigger riots, revolts and corruption exposed. Mars in the sign of Gemini could also bring new inventions and discoveries in the area of technology and communications. Travel could be difficult.

March 14-17Intense Time
Mars is at 1 degree of Gemini—sign of communications— Mars Squares Sun, Neptune, Mercury and Jupiter, all in Pisces. Travel may be impacted; this is a very difficult time period.

March 14 to April 14: Sun in Pisces:
Hope, Faith, Inspiration, Vision, and Rebirth

March 21 New Moon in Pisces—Vedic New Year
This reflects the entire year for the world. Sits in the US—new hope and resolution. Reflects the whole year—things begin to come together.

New Moon in Pisces Conjunct Neptune, Mercury and Jupiter. It is happening near the fixed Star of sorrow. It could bring some difficult events but great transformation through these events.

Put your seat belt on this Month! This month brings us together.

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