January 2024 Vedic Astrology

Quite A Cosmic Journey! Transformation, Growth, and Opportunities!

As of December 31, 2023—Jupiter is now DIRECT in Aries! Plans Move Forward! Breathe Again!

January 1: Mercury Direct in Scorpio
Finally, Mercury stations direct—and what an energetic way to begin the  New Year! HOWEVER, before we get TOO excited, Mercury will be at the Tail of the Scorpion at 28 degrees—the Gandanta point. This brings intensity to the mind and can bring up deep seated emotions to the surface. If you find yourself feeling at odds, give yourself some time and the energy will clear up.

The beginning of the month effects communication and technology, physical health, travel, finances, and business, trade, and commerce. As retrograde Mercury stops and then begins moving forward in this potentially noxious area of the zodiac, we might expect to see some dramatic turnarounds or developments.

We will ALL feel better when Mercury moves into Sagittarius on January 7! This begins a time of inspiration, creative energy and optimism. And with Jupiter now direct in Aries our life plans move forward.

January 11: New Moon in Sagittarius 
The New Moon is at 26 degrees of Sagittarius—the exact midpoint between Rahu (in Pisces) and Ketu (in Virgo). These powerful Nodes represent OUR DESTINY. This begins a transformative time! Jupiter and Mercury are responsible for major change. And both are DIRECT  NOW! Both rule education, the media and communications. This New Moon will set the tone for the year!

This will be a good time to review and renew your objectives and commitments to make sure they are in alignment with your highest values and aspirations.

January 14—February 13: Sun in Capricorn
When the Sun enters Capricorn, it meets up with Saturn, because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Ambition, discipline and focus on long- term goals are possible now. People born with the Sun in Capricorn are often seen as responsible, practical, and hardworking. They may also possess a strong sense of duty and a desire for achievement.

January 18 to February 11: Venus Transits Into Sagittarius Expanding Your Horizons!
In January, Venus will shine brightly in the morning sky, rising several hours before the Sun in the southeast. Venus indicates optimism and a love of adventure, truth, and higher meaning.

Be aware that Venus will square Neptune from January 18 to 21, an aspect which can heighten emotional sensitivities and lead to misunderstandings or confusion.

January 25, Full Moon in Cancer New Insights and Realizations
The Full Moon will occur in its own sensitive sign of Cancer, and in the spiritual Pushya Nakshatra. We should have more than the usual amount of vitality in the days around this Full Moon. We may also experience some hypersensitivity, stress, or a conflict which could lead to new insights and realizations.

January 27: Mars and Mercury Conjunct in Sagittarius Chaos and Meltdowns
Mars and Mercury will be within an effective orb of conjunction from January 18 to 31. But on January 27 there will be an exact conjunction at  23 degrees of Sagittarius.

As Mars and Mercury come together, we may experience anxiety, chaos,  or meltdowns in our thought processes and communication, or with technology, travel, trade, and commerce. This is an especially important time to avoid aggressive or impulsive actions and words.

January 27, Uranus Direct in Aries Moving Forward with New Inspiration
After having been retrograde since August 29, 2023, Uranus will station direct at 25 degrees of Aries. As Uranus stations direct, we may experience some new inspiration and some surprising announcements, discoveries, connections, events, and revelations.

Note that these events may occur during the ten days before and the ten days after the day of the exact direct station. As Uranus will station in a trine to Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius, this can indicate a breakthrough moment for some, or a powerful urge to move beyond certain restrictions or limitations.

As we move into the New Year it will bring us some optimism and positive energy, as Mercury moves into Sagittarius, along with the New Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter finally direct in Aries. As we move through the month, the Sun in Capricorn, and Venus and the Full Moon in Cancer will continue to bring us new insights, optimism, and strength.

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